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Welcome to Pastor's Blog
Pastor Mike has started a blog! Follow along as he covers books he's currently reading as well as other topics along the way. Don't miss a single one by setting up an account and subscribing at the link below.

Pastor Mike Allen
Jun 29, 20212 min read
Day 50: Meditations in Anger, Patience, and Peace
The Bigger View. Anger is about the immediate gratification of our own desires. Anger says, "I am the biggest thing that matters at this...

Pastor Mike Allen
Jun 29, 20212 min read
Day 49: Meditations in Anger, Patience, and Peace
Be Aware. As we discover the reality, the depth, and the breadth of the anger of our hearts, we must be cautious. Knowledge is not power...

Pastor Mike Allen
Jun 29, 20212 min read
Day 48: Meditations in Anger, Patience, and Peace
Signs of Growth. We can rejoice that God is at work in us and that He will continue His work in His children until it is complete at the...

Pastor Mike Allen
Jun 29, 20212 min read
Day 47: Meditations in Anger, Patience, and Peace
Neighbors. Growing up, our neighbors were our friends. We fished, hunted, played baseball and football, argued, fought, and did a few...

Pastor Mike Allen
Jun 29, 20212 min read
Day 46: Meditations in Anger, Patience, and Peace
What are we Aiming for? In Romans 1:21-32; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Galatians 5:19-21; Colossians 3:5-9; and Titus 3:3 Paul lists numerous...

Pastor Mike Allen
Jun 29, 20212 min read
Day 45: Meditations in Anger, Patience, and Peace
Blame Sharing. We are all aware of blame-shifting. We have done it by blaming our spouses, bosses, co-workers, etc. We have all had it...

Pastor Mike Allen
Jun 29, 20212 min read
Day 44: Meditations in Anger, Patience, and Peace
God is the Judge. We will be treated unjustly. Our anger is usually a response to an actual wrong, but what is more important is how we...

Pastor Mike Allen
Jun 29, 20212 min read
Day 43: Mediations in Anger, Patience, Peace
Why can't everyone be like me? Underlying our anger is pride. It is pride that our way of doing things, our expectations, our responses,...

Pastor Mike Allen
Jun 29, 20213 min read
Day 42: Meditations in Anger, Patience, and Peace
God's Anger Emptied Out. The outpouring of our sinful wrath on others and others pouring their sinful wrath upon us is always wrong and...

Pastor Mike Allen
Jun 29, 20212 min read
Day 41: Meditations in Anger, Patience, and Peace
Unlimited Patience. Ed Welch gets to the heart quickly today. He states, "If you want to know what you really think about the Lord, watch...

Pastor Mike Allen
Jun 27, 20212 min read
Day 40: Meditations in Anger, Patience, and Peace
Be Quick to Listen. James 1:19 is often referenced when addressing anger. The idea typically involves being quick to listen before...

Pastor Mike Allen
Jun 27, 20213 min read
Day 39: Meditations in Anger, Patience, and Peace
Justified Anger. We convince ourselves that we have the "right" to be angry and our position of "rightness" demands that we must be...

Pastor Mike Allen
Jun 27, 20212 min read
Day 38: Meditations in Anger, Patience, and Peace
Blame. One of the underlying thoughts in our anger is a sense of superiority over others. This is because anger is rooted in a perceived...

Pastor Mike Allen
Jun 27, 20212 min read
Day 37: Meditations in Anger, Patience, and Peace
The Gift of Being Mistreated. If we believe that God is sovereign then we must conclude that His will includes our own mistreatment at...

Pastor Mike Allen
Jun 27, 20212 min read
Day 36: Meditations in Anger, Patience, and Peace
Our Shield and Protector. For those of us who deal with the sin of anger, anger is often our shield of defense. When we are threatened,...

Pastor Mike Allen
Jun 27, 20212 min read
Day 35: Meditations in Anger, Patience, and Peace
Ways to bless your enemy. Rather than being angry with those who oppose us, we are called to seek their blessing. How can we do this? We...

Pastor Mike Allen
Jun 27, 20212 min read
Day 34: Meditations in Anger, Patience, and Peace
Bless your enemy. If we are to put off anger, then we are to put on something in place of it. What is it? Paul teaches in Romans 12:14...

Pastor Mike Allen
Jun 27, 20212 min read
Day 33: Meditations in Anger, Patience, and Peace
God's Anger. God can be provoked to anger. God hates evil (Proverbs 8:13). God hates dishonest scales (Proverbs 20:10). God hates haughty...

Pastor Mike Allen
Jun 27, 20212 min read
Day 32: Meditations in Anger, Patience, and Peace
Learned Anger. There is nothing quite so shocking as hearing our own kids repeat the exact words with the same intonation that we use as...

Pastor Mike Allen
Jun 23, 20212 min read
Day 31: Meditations in Anger, Patience, and Peace
Full vent or Straight-up Embarrassment. Anger does not make us behave in particular ways, but rather in our anger we choose to behave in...
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